Monday, May 9, 2011


Blog, Followers, Friends, Mother,

I have neglected you and I'm sorry. It has been a busy week or two between going home, weddings, National Star Wars Day (May the Fourth be with you), umping softball for the first time in my life (meaning watching a game of baseball or softball for the first time in my life. Yes, it made me naseous.), and going to California for my bestie's wedding.
Now that I am finally back I have one or two or ten assignments and to-do's before I will be back in blogging shape. Sit tight, calm down, and be excited to hear about my second encounter with Captain Hook and how I almost got arrested in Vegas last weekend. (You were bound to find out sooner or later Mom.)
In the mean time, enjoy this picture of my pregnant Jenna, and a not pregnant me. I'm so excited to be a honorary aunt!

Much love,
P.S.- Happy 25th anniversary to two amazing parents. You've done pretty alright, if I do say so myself.


  1. i didnt know jenna was pregnant! she is the cutest! ah, i'm so excited for her. please tell her i said so :)

  2. hi!!!!!! so glad we are finally blog friendz.
